Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wonderful day !!!

In one day, 2 project has been completed. And we got 1 extremely hard PvP achievement. That's great!
The first project completed is got Exalt with Netherwing. Achievement named On Wings of Nether
To get that achievement, the only way is doing dragonmaw daily quest till you got Exalt Exalted with Netherwing

After you got exalt you will receive a completing quest which brings you a reward.
All thing you have to do is flying on a dragon (you can't control it, it flies automatically) and then talk with a NPC in Shattrath city.
This dragon look pretty good! Hehe
 And now talk to NPC
Turn in the quest and now, you can choose your reward :)
One of those drake :X I chose the black one ^^!
And this is what I got :
That's reward is what I worked for in 2week. It's good, isn't it?
And being exalt with Netherwing also complete one more project "20 exalt"
But the most awesome achievement, I got today is a PvP achievement. Wrecking Ball !!!
Yes it is! Hehe! Killed (killing blow mean you have the last hit) 20 enemy without dying! Got it in Warsong Gulch
That's amazing, because I'm a PvE boomkin and my PvP gear is just 395 resilience ^^!

We also have some more achievement that bring us to 5255 achievement point

We will soon catch up with my Guild leader, he has 7k now. I will catch him :D
World of Warcraft is amazing :)) I'm happy :))

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