Monday, February 28, 2011


Aliabuone has gone !
I started playing WoW from the beginning of WotLK.

And Aliabuone is my best char.

Create it 7 month ago, train it to 80 then 85
Try to do many achievements, about 7k now
Making many in-game friends

And yesterday when I log in to take some pics of my new achievement for Aliabuone's blog, I found that this account was hacked.
Hacker have changed my account name, and I've tried anything I can to take it back, but no use :(

So ... I don't think I will create new account and do all from zero, because I can't find the motivation as I got with my Alia :(

Farewell Alia !

Bye bye WoW !

Bye bye my friends!

I will miss you all !

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